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Football aficionados, have you ever wished for an all-encompassing app to keep track of all things football? Enter FUTBIN, the ultimate football companion app for enthusiasts, analysts, and gamers alike. Whether you’re trading cards, building your dream squad, or staying updated with the latest football news, FUTBIN’s got your back.

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A Glimpse into FUTBIN’s Features

With FUTBIN, navigating the vast world of football becomes a breeze. Let’s break down its multifaceted offerings:

Real-time Notifications

Stay ahead of the curve with:

  • Player Alerts: Get updates on top-performing players.
  • Market Alerts: Be the first to know about market fluctuations.
  • Squad Alerts: Receive suggestions and tips for your squads.
  • Special Alerts: From SBC to OTW/Headliner and player performance alerts, you won’t miss a beat.

Squad Building Challenges (SBC) & Builder

  • SBC Details & Solutions: Gain insights and answers to the most challenging squad-building puzzles.
  • Smart Squad Builder: Receive player suggestions based on chemistry and links, ensuring your team’s performance is optimal.

Financial Wizards

  • Tax Calculator: Make the most of your trades by calculating the exact taxes.
  • Consumable Prices: Stay updated on the price trends for consumables.
  • Player Price Graphs: Analyse daily and hourly price graphs for informed decisions.

In-depth Player Information

Get the lowdown on your favourite players:

  • Price & Stats: From the 3 lowest Buy Now prices to in-game stats and general information like traits, work rates, and skills.
  • Automatic Tax Calculations: Based on the three lowest BINs, never miscalculate your trade margins.
  • Price Range: Make smart trading decisions with real-time price ranges.

Market, News, and TOTW Updates

Stay updated with:

  • Market Trends: Track the football market’s ebbs and flows.
  • News Updates: Be the first to know about important football news.
  • Team Of The Week: Explore the full TOTW list sorted by dates.

With features like Chemistry Optimiser, Player Comparison, and the option to save squads for web access and many more other, FUTBIN continuously strives to offer a comprehensive football experience.


  1. What sets FUTBIN apart from other football apps?
  • FUTBIN is more than just an app; it’s an extensive toolkit for football enthusiasts, offering features from squad building to real-time market and player alerts.
  1. Is the FUTBIN app free to download?
  • While FUTBIN offers a free version with numerous features, there might be premium features available for a subscription fee for an enhanced experience.
  1. Can I sync my squads from the FUTBIN app to the website?
  • Absolutely! One of FUTBIN’s standout features is the ability to save your squads in-app and access them on the FUTBIN website, ensuring continuity in your football journey.


In today’s fast-paced football world, enthusiasts need more than just passion. Staying updated, making informed decisions, and optimising squad performance have become the new norm. While apps like “Smoq 23 Drafts and pack Opening” and “MADFUT 23 mod apk” have their merits, the FUTBIN app uniquely stands out, promising and delivering on these modern demands. It seamlessly integrates into the toolkit of both casual fans and die-hard football strategists. With FUTBIN, you’re not just on the sidelines; you’re at the heart of the action. Dive deeper into your football journey — download FUTBIN now and revolutionise the way you approach football analysis, squad building, and trading!

What’s New

  • Enhanced Precision: Our chemistry calculations have been meticulously refined for absolute accuracy.
  • Notification Reminder: Never overlook a crucial event, SBC, or player update with our timely reminders!

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